
onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

Gooey caramel chocolate cake

A while ago some of the girls from my university, came to write our first assignment at my place. I baked a cake and some other good things. I was so pleased with the result that I wanted to share it here on the blog.

I picked daim chocolate because it gives the best consistency
Just chop it up roughly with a good knife.
You can use any kind of chocolate bar with hard caramel inside.

I mixed the batter together which consists of:

400gramSukker (sugar)
5Æg (eggs)
40gramKakao (cocoa powder)
400gramHvedemel (white flower)
3tsk.Bagepulver (baking powder)
1tsk.Vanillesukker (vanilla sugar)
1dl.Sødmælk (Whole milk)
1dl.Vand (H2O) ;-)

Forklaring/ Explanation: 

Margarine smeltes og røres blødt sammen med sukker. 
Melt the margarine in a pot and stir it with sugar
Æggene i et ad gangen. Kakao røres i. 
Put the eggs in one at a time. Stir in cocoa

Mel, bagepulver og vanillesukker blandes samme og røres stille i og vand og mælk med. 
Blend flower, baking powder and vanilla sugar in and stir gently and then water and milk in. 
And then the caramel chocolate
Bages ved 175 grader C. alm. ovn i ca 1 time.
Bake at 347 fahrenheit for an hour

Let it cool of and EAT 

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